Tony I must say that I have been wondering for a long while what has become of 
Mike - never knew he was a boating person until you gave me his site addy - I 
hope someone close to where he was last known to be. can get in touch and let 
us know what gives - I am probably on the other side of the world from you 
however not close to his last location my time at the moment is that if the 
western seaboard so timing for me is better however it is the distance and not 
being in the area which is the problem for me doing anything constructive - may 
be Ode will be able to be of more use that we can, as he is in the Carolinas 
which is not close but closer than us !!!!
Let me know if you hear anything 
Peace, love and happiness always 
Sandee 🐬
Attitude is everything !!
Producer of Colloidal Silver 
Eye drops & Topical Gel