If dealing with candida, one should consider Borax (Boron) rather than CS
or turpentine.

Google:  The Borax Conspiracy

On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Aaron Gannon <aarongan...@gmail.com>

> Interesting thread here with Nenah and Itguy.
> I'm curious, if when using probiotics and nanosilver to help deal with
> something like candida, do you think it's important to separate vitamins
> like vitamins C, aller-max and fulvic acid as well?
> Just trying to understand a daily schedule you may have heard about that
> acknowledges the importance of having (not having) an empty stomach/food in
> your stomach.
> On Wednesday, May 17, 2017, Nenah Sylver <nenah12egro...@cox.net> wrote:
>> Itguy wrote: I believe we also need to be careful as there seems to be
>> some thought that CS over an extended period of time may damage the
>> intestines, specifically the flora and flora related to our immune system. 
>> Jim
>> Meissner passed away and was a well known Rife and CS expert, his
>> intestines were riddled with cancer and he was known to take CS every
>> morning. http://www.meissnerresearch.com/
>>    That's not to say I want to be implicated in spreading any type of
>> FUD or discouraging CS. I'm saying when dealing with something that can
>> impact the bacterial count in the body we should probably exercise some
>> caution or at least approach it carefully.
>> =========================
>> I completely agree with you that CS must be used prudently. If CS is
>> taken on an empty stomach, it will kill ALL bacteria in the gut, whether
>> friendly flora or foe flora. If CS is taken with food, it won’t have as
>> much of an effect (if any) on the friendly flora. I make sure to take
>> probiotics and CS hours apart of each other.
>> As for someone who’s into holistic health who gets cancer and dies: I
>> believe that if it’s someone’s time to go, no matter what we do…it’s time.
>> But your mention of JM and the gut reminds me of how important the gut
>> flora is. Researchers even have a name for it: microbiome.
>> Nenah
>> Nenah Sylver, PhD
>> author, *The Rife Handbook*
>> *of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health*
>> now in all formats: hardcover, ebook for Mac, Kindle, iPad, Android
>> *DVDs of 2016 Rife and Electromedicine Conference Available NOW*
>> *www.nenahsylver.com <http://www.nenahsylver.com/>*