Thanks Neville,

Only dead fish go with the flow!  Ha! You’ve reminded me that fish sayings
are among the best, like one that describes our current political imbroglio:
*‘The fish starts rotting at the head.’*  Or there's another that I learned
in West Africa, *‘If you listen to the many opinions in the market you
won’t by fish.’ *Some say that fish has to many bones and others say this
one isn’t tasty, etc.

About the idea that there’s so much to know, I suppose I got that from the
Nowhere Man in the Yellow Submarine, who said, “Ad hoc and ad loc, quid pro
quo, so little time, so much to know.”


On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 8:52 PM Neville <> wrote:

> You are absolutely correct about 'so much to know' Reid.  This is why I
> keep to myself pretty much.  I have my own opinions on things where EIS is
> related.  If shrimps or whatever can survive in an acidic liquid
> environment under the ocean, then to me there is not one place on this
> planet won't be able to grow bacteria etc etc, it's called...'Nature' and
> 'evolution'.  People should consider this, our TGA, which is the equivalent
> to the US FDA, they communicated with me several years ago stating they get
> information from the Internet EIS related, but as some of us know only too
> well, there is an agenda behind everything, that's why so many people have
> their heads filled with sh-t from many sources.  Everyone needs to consider
> and think more regarding their own
> information/research/beliefs/understanding, and dare I say "opinions" etc
> etc instead of just running to the Internet, or "It should be only used
> externally", or "It will turn you blue", or "My gut flora got killed" blah
> blah, but they don't mention anything about what they did etc etc?  I live
> by this motto..."Only dead fish go with the flow".  People should consider
> this too, NASA has this stuff in their "space stations", or whatever, and
> have done so for years.
> LOL...A mate of mine said it was perhaps my daily consumption of Silver
> which caused my brain bleed, well, I said, "show me, or point me to the
> information", everyone seems to love reading about "proof", so, show me the
> proof regarding my brain bleed, he simply can't <g>.
> In conclusion...Yes, 'There's so much we DON'T know'.
> My little rant over...LOL.  Have a good day mate <g>.
> N.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Reid Harvey <>
> *Sent:* Friday, 20 September 2019 10:37 PM
> *To:* Silverlist Post <>
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Atten: Ode
> Thanks Neville, and there's so much to know.  Only recently did it occur
> to me (while I tend to be slow) that it's not good to drink too much CS
> (EIS) too often, that there could be a concern about killing off the
> beneficial bacteria.
> Also, the other day I heard from another researcher in safe drinking water
> that bacteria/ microbes can tend to colonize and grow within sand
> filtration media.  I suggested to her that EIS at around 10 ppm might rid
> the filter media of these microbes, but then it occurred to me that this
> would presumably get into the filtered water; people subsequently drinking
> it.  Maybe this would be good for them but I feel sure that there are those
> who would be unhappy about it.
> Similarly, for water collection in the developing world by the poor
> there's a problem that they may tend not to clean out their water storage
> containers.  Consequently when they put safe drinking water into the
> containers it gets recontaminated due to microbes that colonize the inner
> walls of the container.  Low concentration of EIS might take care of this,
> similar to microbes within filter media,  but then people would end up
> drinking this and some other people might get upset.  Again, there's so
> much to know.