> Hi,

I can’t resist mentioning I had a continual cough so bad years ago, everyone 
thought I had cancer.  Doctors couldn’t stop it, saturated salt solution in a 
nebulizer didn’t stop it, 15 ppm colloidal silver in a nebulizer didn’t stop 
it, and finally decided it was do or die.  Not aware of food grade hydrogen 
peroxide at that time so used 3% hydrogen peroxide in my palm sized Omron 
nebulizer.  Not one to stand back, took a deep breath and promptly collapsed, 
due to uncontrollable coughing.  When I finally caught my breath, began to take 
shallower breaths and this stopped my coughing from that day forward.

Perhaps colloidal copper would be a great way to spray your hands before 
encountering germs.  I take a 15 ppm colloidal silver mister with me 
everywhere, 2 oz in the purse, for the same purpose (grocery carts, drugstore 

However, in the end, I believe it is all about your immune system and anything 
you can do to help it, will improve life.

And speaking of alkaline water, what opinions are there about a tsp of baking 
soda to a glass of water?


> Arnold,
>         I am using a device called "Copper-Zap".  It's a pure copper device 
> that you insert into your nasal passage at the first sign of a cold.  You 
> leave it there for 60 seconds.  I've never had any side effects that I can 
> detect and it got rid of my cold symptoms promptly.  What happens to people 
> who have copper pipes in their home?  They're ingesting copper ions daily, 
> are the not?
> Bob