Cyndiann Phillips,
Is like one of those engineered Crisis Actors that participates in the
propaganda that the media is spreading. Cept she seems to be assigned to
post here and repeat the lies we all know as scripts given to the talking
Isn't she due for a booster Covid shot by now?

On Mon, Jul 26, 2021, 7:44 AM Cyndiann Phillips <> wrote:

> Natural News lies all the time. Why would you believe anything on that
> website?
> I don't understand everyone's fascination with websites that intentionally
> don't tell the truth. Are you willing to die for it? Thanks to the
> unvaccinated we now have a stronger version of Covid than ever before.
> There goes our summer! The next variant could be much worse.
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 4:49 AM Phil Morrison <>
> wrote: