see the full study here

They propose to use silver on inanimate surfaces.   Tests were vero cell lines in a petri dish. Vero is a kidney epithelial cell line derived from an African Green Monkey. Vero gets its name from a derivation of green kidney- Verda Reno. ... Vero cell lines are used less frequently in biological studies than the more popular HeLa cell cultures. HeLa cell,"*a cancerous cell belonging to a strain continuously cultured*since its isolation in 1951 from a patient suffering from cervical carcinoma."

On 9/22/2021 2:24 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

All I can read is the abstract.  It talks about 1 ppm to 20 ppm, and above 20 ppm.  Was this in vitro or in vivo?  Also is that the concentration given, or the concentration the virus was exposed to?  If the latter, then that is a huge amount of CS (gallons of 40 ppm) to drink.


On 9/22/2021 4:00 PM, Rick wrote:

  Potent antiviral effect of silver nanoparticles on SARS-CoV-2 <>