This sort of statement turns me off, how about you?

"And in spite of the millions of tons of supposedly “toxic” trace silver contained in the world’s oceans, the sea is literally teeming with wildlife,..."   Thats in the article for red herrings.

Tons of silver without reference to the quantity of water gives no silver concentration, thus the statement is misleading and devoid of proof. Whats the name for that kind of logical fallacy?    It suggests there must be a LOT of silver in the ocean, and that animals THRIVE on it.  For an analogy, what is the difference between the dead sea and the living oceans where life thrives, 'from the smallest microbe to the largest whale' in 38.5 quadrillion tons of salt?  We must be able to thrive on salty water!  Instead we should ask how much silver concentration is normally in the healthiest ocean water.

"Seawater contains approximately 2-100 ppt of silver, and the surface concentration may be even lower. River water generally contains approximately 0.3-1 ppb of silver."   100 ppt is one hundred thousand times less silver concentration than 10 ppm home brew silver.    Dilute your completely, utterly non toxic and healthy in every way home brew silver by 100,000 to reach ocean water.

The article suggests the aquarium  water  be treated for disease with a silver concentration on the order of 1 ppm.   This is about 10,000 times higher than the silver in the ocean, which is thriving on all those tons of silver.

Sometimes our "feelings" about something are right, sometimes they arent.  So some people look for actual data



On 9/22/2021 5:26 PM, Phil Morrison wrote:

I make and use CS at 10 ppm (parts per million).

At this level CS is entirely safe for people, environment, fish, and most living things, except pathogens.

I post the following for red herrings: <>