Trem wrote, in part:

>Plating out is not exactly the same as fallout.  Plating is the golden or
>yellow color you will see on the inside of your vessel after a while.  Some
>fine particles can plate out.  Fallout is what is in the bottom of your
>vessel.  That is from large particles which couldn't stay in dispersion.

I use a one quart jar when making my CS. I have holes in the center of the
lid where I hang my silver rods. It isn't long before a blackish smudge
appears at the bottom of jar. When it gets to where I think it needs to be
cleaned out, it takes a little scrubbing to remove it. I'm always VERY
careful to wash and rinse rinse rinse the jar before using it again,
including a final rinsing in distilled water. When I used to hang the rods
over the sides of the jar, the blackish smudge appeared on the side by the
rods. Is that fallout or plating?



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