In a message dated 00-04-25 10:16:56 EDT, you write:

<< I disaggree here, it is quite possible to manufacture a silver colloid
 by precipitating the NO3 from a silver nitrate solution, leaving only
 the silver ions in solution. The fact that the water molecules
 surround the charged silver particles creates the local neutrality you
 mention, at the edge of the water layer.>>

Frankly, I'm baffled by this statement. However, since nitrate ions are not 
present in my model of what is occuring, I prefer not to travel down this 

  >> Well, that is getting low and rain water has a deal of other dissolved
 substances also, whereas distilled water has little of these and does
 readily absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. CO2 absorption may be a
 contributing factor, indeed when making pH measurements which are
 lower than expected this is the first place to look.<<

Ivan: I don't think you understood what I was saying. Let me try to make this 
point another way. Bubble air into distilled water and continue to measure 
the pH until the cows come home and tells us what you get.
>> It is perfectly possible to have a colloid of an insoluble substance.
 Silver itself could not be a colloid if it were soluble. AgO and AgOH
 will swap around depending on the pH of the solution and may have a
 very small particle size, besides which most insoluble substances are
 soluble to some degree.<<

Have you identified these species using SEM, TEM or by x-ray diffraction 
methods. If not, where's the evidence for such compounds?
> Yes that's true enough, although I have tried to show that your theory
 of polarised water molecules being the cause of a low pH reading to be

Ivan: I don't believe you have even begun to do that.

> I know that free Ag+ ions exist in my CS because I could not read them
 with my ISE if it were otherwise, and I would be happy to test your CS
 for the same, if you foot the bill for postage to New Zealand<g>
If Ag+ ions exist, what are the counter-balancing anions. Static charge on 
colloidal silver particles is one thing, but separate positive or negative 
ions existing without INTIMATE association with ions of the opposite charge 
is impossible, and to suggest otherwise is incomprehensible to me.

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