I can see that in cancer.  But for general killing of parasites and other
pathogens, will the same thing happen?  Most of the people I know will zap every
week or two to just keep things clean.  More for a preventative than a cure of

What is the treatment you are using on cancer?  What voltage, current and
frequency?  By on the tumor do you mean you actually insert the electrodes for
direct contact on the tumor, or that you apply the electrodes as near the tumor
as you can on the skin?

I have read that chemo and radiation both harden cancer making what does not get
killed off much more difficult to kill, even by other means such as Aprocot
seeds and soy products ( http://www.haelanproducts.com/ ). Sounds like
electrotherapy may do the same thing.



"Alex C. Torres" wrote:

> Dear Katie,
> According to our data, 70% of patients that abandon the treatment of
> electrotherapy, the next time they use it FOR THE SAME PROBLEM, it is hard
> to get a good response and sometimes the treatment is ineffective. This is
> more notorious in cancer patients.
> With our treatments, using the High voltage electrodes on the tumors, we got
> say 95% reduction in size, improvement in ALL the corporal functions and
> feelings, but if they abandon the treatment, and re-start in 2 weeks or
> more, we discovered that the tumors re-grows and are really hard (if not
> impossible) to reduce in size and symptoms. (Pain, consistence and mobility)
> Alex Torres M.D.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Katie Jay [mailto:kj...@erols.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 8:40 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Zappers
> If I've already interrupted the zapper treatment for a week or so, does that
> mean it won't be effective anymore?
> Thanks,
> Katie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Alex C. Torres" <compu_...@prodigy.net>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 1:55 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>Zappers
> > The suggestion that to use the zapper UNINTERRUPTED is really CRITICAL,
> you
> > must not stop using it for any reason because this treatments develops a
> > resistance to the use of electricity and frequencies, and no matter what
> you
> > do if it gets interrupted the results or effectiveness are minimal if not
> > zero due to the body get accustomed to this treatment. I compare this
> effect
> > as the treatments we gave for tuberculosis. If the patient stops or skips
> > some doses the treatment becomes non effective due to strains resistant to
> > the treatment. We find this effect on our patients, no matter which zapper
> > you use (High or low voltage) if stopped, no results any more.
> > Alex Torres M.D.
> > P.S. I know some persons that take medicines for years and never stops
> > taking them, as the date, we cannot found any negative effects using
> > electricity on the body, that's the reason to recommend to use it
> > indefinitely.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bob Squires [mailto:rj...@dialnet.net]
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 5:58 AM
> > To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Subject: CS>Zappers
> >
> >
> >
> >                     Jeff Madore;
> >
> >                 Jeff ,
> >           The problem with the dime is the concentrated surface area .
> > We supply our Zappers with about 4 1/2 " of  5/8  -----7/8 OD copper
> > tube  as hand holds . These are covered with a couple of wraps of wet
> > paper towels. I just tear one towel in half wrap it around and wet it .
> > normal treatment time is 7-10 min on and 20 min or so off repeated three
> > times or more a day, One session in the morning and another in the
> > evening works fine . I personally think  the zapper and the CS machine
> > used together is the best treatment for disease there is or ever has
> > been and that more people are cured of serious disease by this method
> > than all of the others put together . I also think that the prescription
> > drugs sold over the counter for huge amounts of money constitute the
> > greatest fraud there ever has been .
> >                 Your machine should be putting out from 4 1/2 to 5 dc
> > volts . this is not representative of what is going on but just a quick
> > easy check.. Concerning treatment those I know who have been cured of
> > serious diseases have used the Zapper every day some twice a day and
> > taken a quart of  5 PPM CS ,at the minimum,  every day . Even those who
> > have just come off of chemo therapy and been told there is no hope have
> > been totally healed in five to six weeks. These treatments must be used
> > in continued un broken fashion . After all what else is there that those
> > who are not wealthy can afford.
> >
> >                     Best wishes for your recovery
> >
> >                         Bob
> >
> >
> > --
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