Dear Dr,

I haven't found this on myself nor on any of my "friends". I would really like
to get to understand what the difference is. It may give us a clue about how the
healing actually works. I have seen resistance but it was resistance to all

I certainly agree that one should continue with daily treatments until well past
the time where all symptoms have disappeared. I also often encourage "listening
to the body" so they may take it upon themselves to stop and start their
treatments according to their own body rhythms.


"Alex C. Torres" wrote:
> The suggestion that to use the zapper UNINTERRUPTED is really CRITICAL, you
> must not stop using it for any reason because this treatments develops a
> resistance to the use of electricity and frequencies, and no matter what you
> do if it gets interrupted the results or effectiveness are minimal if not
> zero due to the body get accustomed to this treatment. I compare this effect
> as the treatments we gave for tuberculosis. If the patient stops or skips
> some doses the treatment becomes non effective due to strains resistant to
> the treatment. We find this effect on our patients, no matter which zapper
> you use (High or low voltage) if stopped, no results any more.
> Alex Torres M.D.
> P.S. I know some persons that take medicines for years and never stops
> taking them, as the date, we cannot found any negative effects using
> electricity on the body, that's the reason to recommend to use it
> indefinitely.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Squires []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2000 5:58 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Zappers
>                     Jeff Madore;
>                 Jeff ,
>           The problem with the dime is the concentrated surface area .
> We supply our Zappers with about 4 1/2 " of  5/8  -----7/8 OD copper
> tube  as hand holds . These are covered with a couple of wraps of wet
> paper towels. I just tear one towel in half wrap it around and wet it .
> normal treatment time is 7-10 min on and 20 min or so off repeated three
> times or more a day, One session in the morning and another in the
> evening works fine . I personally think  the zapper and the CS machine
> used together is the best treatment for disease there is or ever has
> been and that more people are cured of serious disease by this method
> than all of the others put together . I also think that the prescription
> drugs sold over the counter for huge amounts of money constitute the
> greatest fraud there ever has been .
>                 Your machine should be putting out from 4 1/2 to 5 dc
> volts . this is not representative of what is going on but just a quick
> easy check.. Concerning treatment those I know who have been cured of
> serious diseases have used the Zapper every day some twice a day and
> taken a quart of  5 PPM CS ,at the minimum,  every day . Even those who
> have just come off of chemo therapy and been told there is no hope have
> been totally healed in five to six weeks. These treatments must be used
> in continued un broken fashion . After all what else is there that those
> who are not wealthy can afford.
>                     Best wishes for your recovery
>                         Bob
> --
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