" I stilt my fantasies to reflect the evidence and spin the evidence to support my fantasies, therefore, I believe what I want to believe...I, therefore, 'see what I want'. If I don't like what I see, what 'I want' is up for examination, because my fantasies are facts supported by evidence.

Any viewpoint can be confirmed, and belief validated to the satisfaction of the believer by the very nature of belief.

The purpose of examining vision is to discover 'how' you see, not what you see. The result of the examination reveals that sight is very nearly totally blinding and 'what' is seen is quite worthy of doubt. It is but a symbol of highly variable opinions 'held' as reality, focused upon to the exclusion of all else for a 'sense' of security and stability, done in order to validate that that sense is needed and senses themselves can be reliable when no two people EVER see the same thing the same way.

What is seen is what has been willed to see and rarely what is really there...if ever.
..and that's just another opinion.
Not very seriously yours,

At 04:24 PM 8/6/00 -0400, you wrote:
On 8/2/00, Kent Hovind spoke on the Art Bell show. "Dr. Hovind is considered by many to be one of the foremost authorities on "Science and the Bible". He is dedicated to the proclamation of scientific evidence supporting the biblical record of creation and the history of the world."

You can hear this program at <http://www.artbell.com/topics.html>http://www.artbell.com/topics.html

Just click on the windows icon by the date 8/01/00.

The "contradictions" in the Bible are discussed here and at his web site: www.drdino.com

Just thought this might be of interest to some people on this list.

Sometimes we can be so busy looking under every stone (CS, zappers, herbs, etc.) for our needs that we forget to look to the Rock.
