To the list CS experts:

I would like your opinion on the approximate PPM for the following CS:

Started with 1.1 uS distilled water as measured by Hanna PWT (model HI 98308)

Constant current of 1.0 Ma. DC throughout the entire run.

Starting voltage to the electrodes  = 150 VDC

Ending voltage after 3 1/3 hours = 8 VDC.  This would be a resistance of 8K.

Ending uS of 19.1 after sitting for a day so agglomeration effects would settle 

Constant stirring at 30 RPM

Faint TE which can only be seen in a dark room, so I believe the particles are 
quite small

Electrodes are both #12 silver wire spaced 1.75 inch and immersed 3.75 inches

So, ladies and gentlemen, about what strength CS have I made?  What is the 
basis for your estimate?

Thanks for your help,

--Steve Young