##  Well, the schools are still teaching people that we live in a
universe of solid objects when it's pretty much proven that they are only
'virtually solid in appearance'
 If this were taught from an early age, it might result in more people
using their minds as hammers to shape the world, or at least positiveley
empowered personal experential realities, rather than the anvils making up
our present society of helpless victims.

At 04:51 PM 4/7/00 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 00-04-07 16:47:23 EDT, you write:
><< I don't believe it is possible to have a ph of other than 7 without an 
> attribute is it?
>  >>
>When I went to school electrical neutrality was definitely the in thing. 
>Maybe it has now been dropped from the curriculum along with so many other 
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