Neat idea Ron - Did you herx from any critter invasion or just doing the
zapper for health maintenance?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Burnett <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re:Zappers and Mittens w/sprinkle of sea salt

>> I wear it under the waistband of my shorts against the bare skin; the
>> elastic holds it in place. My shirt is outside the shorts; not tucked
>> in. ...
>I got some velcro tape at Staples & put a strip on the side
>of the Croft zapper opposite the pennies.  Adheres nicely
>to the elastic of undershorts.
>Ron Burnett ... representing Nutramerica(TM)
>Blood-specific weight loss & multivitamin products & more.
>             Nutramerica ID #383014
>Conference call, Sunday night, 9:00 eastern time:  918-222-7004, pin #5831
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