In a message dated 10/28/00 2:40:52 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj:     CS>colloidal copper
 Date:  10/28/00 2:40:52 PM EST
 From: (Duncan Crow)
 The comment on colloidal copper in swimming pools was interesting...does
 anyone know of a colloidal copper mix suitable for fish tanks, or at
 approximately what level fish start to get uncomfortable??  I know they can
 survive some mineral...but I don't want to hurt the little guys with direct
 experimentation. A little copper colloid in the tank may help keep the algae
 levels more stable.
 Anyone keep fish at home or have knowledge of this subject?

Duncan: I can't answer your question, but I can give you some facts and 
suggestions that may help. Fist, the level of CS and CC (colloidal copper) 
for swimming pools suggested from the reading I've done is: 40 PPB CS and 300 
PPB CC. In addition, I recall references where it was suggested that there is 
germicidal activity as low as 1 PPB for CS. So why not start out at 1 PPB CS 
and say, 5-10 PPB for CC on one or two inexpensive fish in a separate tank 
and see what happens. After that, ratchet it up a little and continue your 
observations. Roger 

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