To all interested list members.
                Recently, one of our staff, while conducting an
unrelated protocol, discovered a very useful---and
repeatable---methodology for controlling chronic constipation
(especially among the geriatric population).
                His serendipitous discovery lead to a more controlled
evaluation of 19 experimental volunteers.  All (ages varying from 35 to
75) suffered from chronic constipation.
                The experimental protocol involved the ingesting of 5 to
10 grams (depending on age and body mass) of MSM crystals accompanied by
8 to 10 ounces of water.  The response time depended upon the degree of
systemic dehydration---and the severity of lower-bowel impaction
complications.  In a majority of cases, relieving bowel-action occurred
with 30 to 40 minutes.  In many cases.....10 to 15 minutes.
                  Analyses directed at determining the exact mode of
action revealed a simple, and obvious, systemic response....restoration
and stabilization of proper body-systems' cellular hydration.
                    Further analyses revealed an interesting corollary;
a majority of all serious constipation cases occurred during the winter
months.....and or among those persons having central air conditioning.
                     Existing general research appears to confirm our
experiences, in that a major problem expressing among the general human
populations, is a pervasive, chronic dehydration.  This is
complicated---especially among older persons---by the fact that the body
goes into a moisture-conservation mode when faced by reduced water
intake.  This process is especially damaging in that the histamine
levels elevate as the body rushes into "drought management" and
institutes a "brain-first" water priority.  Additionally, as this
process occurs there is, rarely, an associated rise in the thirst
reflex.......especially in COLD weather.
                     Additionally, this problem presents very serious
challenges (especially among older persons) that active
perspiration decreases under sedentary and "temperature-controlled"
conditions.....resulting in a reduced thirst----even though the
indidvidual is literally "systemically dessicating".
                The only viable approach we have been able to invoke has
been to establish a  "non-variable"  water intake schedule which insures
a minimum hydration condition.
                Interestingly, once stabilized, a majority (all but one)
of these chronic constipation sufferers, were able (during the 45 day
follow-up test) to TOTALLY eliminate constipation complications through
the simple expedient of ingesting 1000 mg of MSM crystals (twice daily)
accompanied by 8 to 10 ounces of water.  It must be disclosed that the
minimum water intake was INSURED to be 70 ounces daily.
                As a point of interest;  a rather pronounced number of
ancillary health complications experienced (from among the total
population) "spontaneous remission" during this 45 day test period.  A
follow-up evaluation revealed that 8 of the participants have since
ceased the MSM/water protocol-----and ALL have experienced a relapse to
their former state....."You can lead a horse to water, but........"
                        Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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