-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Key [mailto:fr...@strsoft.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 4:36 PM
To: Silver List
Subject: CS>Commercial Product Reports

Technical information on the physical properties of colloidal silver
commercial products is available in a new section titled "Commercial
Product Reports".

These reports provide detailed laboratory analysis of the physical
properties, and include: total silver ppm, ionic silver ppm, percent
ionic, percent particles, conductivity, turbidity, particle size
distribution plots for intensity and volume, zeta potential plots.

There are now three products listed, other will be added on a time
available basis.

The product reports now available are:

Silver Lightning Tonic Water
"Wonder Water" Silver Fortified Water
Sovereign Silver

The reports can be viewed at:



before I begin my commentary on your "authoritative" analysis of cs
products, I thought I'd just remind you of [what all of us can appreciate,
objectively] the definition of a fanatic.  It is: "one who has lost sight of
his objective ....but redoubles his efforts."  [attributed to an anonymous

For it seems that you have lost sight of the purpose of all our efforts --
the baseline efficacy of CS materials, and how to get there.  This principal
issue is one you never address.  I have to tell you: it is the primary
something that drives our efforts here.  I think we have a handle on that in
our lab; we often do comparative bacteriology so as to make such

I'm sure you will recall, even though you have ignored me, we have twice
offered to include your 'ion-less' concoction in the analyses we do.  But
each time you demurred, first with some weak reply about your doing it at
the? university, the results of which, BTW, we have never heard or seen....?
And, then, you just ignored my offer.  How many on this list do you think
would refuse such an offer?

Still, the list has heard nothing from you about how useful [or effective]
your silver particles are.... We have been treated to lessons on your the
adherence to science that are embodied in your efforts. But never anything
about what it is all for....

Having spoken with one of the scientists at Malvern Instruments today, it
was made quite clear to me that the Zetasizer is NOT intended for particle
characterization, only size distribution and for "bulk analysis" at that!
.....ie. for distribution of particles of greater size than those found in a
fine colloid.  The machine may be spec'd down to 2nm at the small end, but
he [the scientist] was reluctant to say how near that end it can accurately

Furthermore, he opined that TEM is a very useful complement -- how did he
put it? "a valuable supplement" -- to the Zetasizer, esp. for particle
characterization AND measurement of nanometer sized particles, and for all
such particles that are visible by TEM but may NOT be to a Zetasizer.  The
Malvern instrument does not present itself as for Particle Characterization.

As happens often with colloids that contain very small particles,
'particulate' configurations that appear to be spherical 'semi-agglomerates'
may present such a face to laser diffraction that they are taken for
particles when, in fact, they are not!  .... This in clear juxtaposition to
the oceans of tiny  particles that are just too small for the Zetasizer to
even 'see'.  Though the semi-agglomerates may be actually comprised of the
same discrete particles that are similar to those circulating freely, the
Zetasizer sees ONLY the semi-agglomerates and takes them for giant
particles, while we see the discrete particles within them by TEM.
Exceptionally fine colloids [and the micrographs of them, such as those on
our website], are endowed with particles in the nanometer sized class, or
less,  But these don't even show up on your printout as part of the
distribution curve!  Because the Zetasizer cannot see them at all!

So, then, the oceans of tiny particles that are characteristic of a fine
colloid are the same that are seen in such spherical semi-agglomerates. That
they are drawn together, upon close examination and yet remain distinct,
still repelling each other ....is an interesting phenomenon.  They appear
only just able to resist the attractive force drawing them into such
spherical configurations by so remaining distinct.  But the Zetasizer cannot
see or make this distinction.

The Zetasizer cannot distinguish the discrete particles because they are too
small for it, just like the oceans of free particles.  So it says the
distribution only includes the phantom image you are taking literally to
mean they are particles of such and such size.  Were these actual particles
of the magnitude your machine describes, the 'solution' harboring them would
have the characteristic colors appropriate to those large sizes -- namely
yellow to red to green.

As well, the Malvern scientist could not assure me absolutely that there is
no magnetic energy created by the machine, and we already know that the
finer the colloid, the more magnetic fields impact it.....

I'm sorry, Frank, the analyses you present on your website -- of commercial
products -- just doesn't 'cut it'.  We've also looked at the other cs
products you've "analysed", and find your similar FAILURES with them as
well.  And, really, if you reflect upon it, you just can't suggest there are
micron-sized particles in those colloids!  First of all, because you could
almost see them with the naked eye, or at least with a laser -- as they
would look like huge arc-lit sparklets in a laser beam.  Which is patently
not so!  And there would also be color ....which there is not!

Furthermore, I do not doubt that the CSPro product has been characterized by
other TEM labs and is in possession of very different results than those you
have tendered for the size and distribution of its particles.  I'm sure the
other 'analyses' will support my contention that there are alot of 2nm to
5nm particles in iot, NONE of which you show.  And the giant particles your
analysis describes -- 500nm -- do not exist except as the semi-agglomerates
previously described -- which your machine cannot discern.  Yes, there are
particles in the 30 to 85nm range and they do show up, in quantity, and on
your size distribution, but the overall analysis is faulty AND clearly
lacking in comprehensiveness.

With respect to the other cs product, your machine again misses the 2nm to
5nm particles that are very present.  And the gross sizes you describe are
once again those ephemeras, the semi-agglomerates.

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