I've been playing around with creating various silver-rich creams for about
two years now.  While I have found some combinations that work fairly well,
I have been dissatisfied with any end result I've been able to achieve -
until now.

The primary problem with skin care creams is how they are adsorbed, what
part of them is and is NOT adsorbed, and the actual ingredients that do get
adsorbed.  Most non-medical creams are only antibacterial for a very short
time after application.  Many marketed skin care creams actually dry the
skin out, although as long as you apply the cream it appears as if the skin
is well cared for.

Another problem is the method of creation.  Some nice creams can be made,
but the process requires applying a great deal of heat to combined
ingredients, something I've been trying to avoid ( so I can use high quality
essential oils in the formulas ).  I have designed one cream that is
exceptional.  However, the cost of the ingredients is astronomical.
Designing a creme without mineral oil or unnatural binders is quite an
interesting experience!

My goal in working with colloidal silver and cream was simply to find a
"healthy" cream that can be used for external applications without causing
skin irritation and without clogging pores.  Colloidal silver used alone is
a skin irritant, although a very, very mild one.

Recently, my wife came up with a great suggestion:  Why not try using
Biotone cream as a base?

This turned out to be a fantastic suggestion.  While I am as of yet
uncertain how well the silver works in the cream, the cream works fantastic.
Diluting the cream by adding about 50% colloidal silver ( high PPM ) by
volume, one achieves a very light cream that has an incredible adsorbtion
without skin irritation or buildup on the surface of the skin - ideal for
facial use.  Diluting it more or less simply gives the cream a different
texture for different applications.

One can add secondary ingredients such as very small amounts of high grade
essential oils.  It appears the Biotone cream does a great job in preserving
their effects.

Biotone cream can be purchased at any massage supply store ( most any )...
There are Biotone oils and a Biotone cream available ( so be sure if your
interesting in experimenting one gets the cream ).

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