Dear Terry,
                While I have no useful address for your interesting
post.....relative to your liver cleansing experience;  I do have a comment
that may prove of value for athlete's foot protocols.  Some years ago,
during some ad hoc evaluations of Tea Tree oil and skin-surface fungal
infections in general----we discovered a useful adjunctive.  Both the speed
and efficacy of Tea Tree oil were greatly enhanced through the application
of 50% DMSO applied over the Tea Tree oil, directly on the skin
surface.....and left unbandaged (unless conditions demand a bandage
                Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Chamberlin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 6:13 PM
Subject: CS>Athletes foot

Moving back to the subject of CS, I have been for the
last month performing an extended liver/gallbladder
cleanse. Strangely, as the cleansing proceeds, several
less-than-pleasant symptoms have popped up, among them
very bad athletes foot (or what feels and acts so). I
washed my feet and bathed them 2xday in CS, plus wore
socks that had been soaked in CS, with minimal
benefit. I'll admit, I was surprised. I expected CS to
erase the problem quickly.

I finally applied some Tea Tree oil lotion, and the
problem was gone in one day. Interesting.

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