----- Original Message -----
From: Marshall Dudley <mdud...@execonn.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: CS>This is worth listening to

> >> Diseases will run rampant shortly
> >> We will be getting a national id card, which will contain the
> >> Biblical mark of the beast. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC. & so on

> Are you sure? Ed has consistantly said that they cannot date events.
> They can't even date events in the past, much less the future.
> Marshall

I want to point out that there is a fine line between being aware of a
possibility in order to protect ourselves, and giving more power to that
possibility by thinking about it and fearing it.

I propose that in our mind's eye we all see the terrorist tactics of
Illuminati & Co., including those of the Taliban AND our own prez,
disintegrating. I remember a story about World War II, when a group of
esoteric practitioners found out that Hitler planned to invade England. They
met nightly, concentrating on the message: "Your plan will fail; turn back,
turn back." And as it turns out, Hitler never accomplished his objective.

A story closer to home involves some people I know personally, all
meditators, who live in the country in the western part of Massachusetts.
Some years ago, an infestation of gypsy moths was killing a considerable
number of trees. Well, these folks decided to meet weekly and meditate
together and encircle their town with gold and white light. During the rest
of the week, they did this imaging whenever it was convenient.

Six months later one of these meditators was visited by a US Forest Service
ranger. He had come to her property to examine her trees. It seems that in
this town, the gypsy moth caterpillars were falling down dead from the trees
in droves, while trees in the surrounding areas were still infested. The US
Forest Service couldn't figure out why, and were trying to find out if there
was something in the trees that was giving them immunity. I don't know if my
friend ever told the ranger what was really going on.

I suggeset that instead of speculating whether certain events REALLY were
foretold by the Bible or Nostradamus or whomever, that we gather together
our considerable psychic power and fend off these attacks. That guy who
built Coral Castle, the builders of the pyramids, and other people who have
done wondrous things--they didn't have any powers that we don't have. It's
just that we're asleep.

Why don't we wake up and see what we can do.


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