Greetings to all silverlist members,

          Ken wrote:

< I would be cautious with ozone [O3]  It is highly corrosive, will eat the
tires right off your car, has high atmospheric level warnings in weather
reports for people with respiratory problems and probably acts as a very
 potent free radical in the body...the sort of thing that people tak
antioxidents for.>

              Ken has sounded a very relevant warning
which requires some elaboration on ozone applications in health care.

     Ozone concentration generated by ozone systems for different
applications is measured and described sometimes in different formats.

               ppm [parts per million ]
              1 gamma = 699 ppm]
              1 ppm = > 0.0014306 gamma
  The Ozone Concentration is usually measured and described in GAMMA in
Ozone Therapies.

             % of Volume
             1 gamma= >0.0466 volume %
             1% =>21.4592 gamma


                * Ozone concentration of 0.05ppm is the allowable maximun
ozone concentration in an air-conditioned/ventilated space
                * Ozone concentration of 0.003 ppm to 0.010 ppm is the
threshold of odour perception and is readily
detected by normal persons.
                * Ozone concentration of 35,000 ppm [ 50
gamma or 2.3 volume % ] will literally dissolve on contact the latex
material ( Ken: ..tyres ) of the surgical glove.

               Ozone concentrations can be detected by
        1. Digital Ozone Sensor
        2. Ozone Test Strips

            Ozone can be generated by feeding

          1. Dry Air or Humidified Air
          2.Welding or Technical Oxygen
          3. Medical Oxygen
          to Ozone systems.

             Ozone generated from air may only be used for
Water and Air Ozonation. It is not advisable to use it for inhalational
procedures because of the toxic effects of the
nitric oxide concomitantly generated. The more cost-effective
Technical/Welding  oxygen or desiccated air
may be used in times of shortage or emergency,for in-
sufflations,inhalations,water ozonation and all external
ozone treatments. The more expensive medical grade
oxygen is ideal for all ozone applications. This addresses
the quality of the ozone output.

  In an Ozonetherapy unit, the oxygen input and the ozone output are
regulated by calibrated flowmeters. The Ozone
Destroyer attached mops up the excess and the installed Ozone  Sensor
detects the enviromental saturation of ozone.
             Here are some of the ozone options for health care to help the
body to get rid of toxins and microbes.

          1. Nebulized inhalation by bubbling through,eg,
              Tea Tree Oil
          2. Insufflation of
                                 * Ears with [ ear stethoscope ]
                                 * Limbs [Limb Bagging ]
                                 * Body  [ Body Suit  Bagging ]
                                      [ Just to mention a few ]
            3. Hyperthermic Ozonation:
                                 * Ozone Steam Sauna
            4. Intravenous Ozonation: I avoid this procedure by choice.
            5. Cupping:  Local ozonation of infected areas.
            6. Water ozonation: Drinking quantities of ozonated water.
            7. Immersion of Body or Limbs in ozonated water

                  I hope I am not being impertinent to draw your attention
to another toxic gas - Radon. This geopathic emanation is global and it may
dwell in basement areas. Ozone warns us by its characteric adour which is a
respiratory tract irritant Radon, never warns of its presence. Insiduously,
it kills by causing lung cancer when chronically inhaled..  Ozone detoxifies
Radon, a silent killer.

                  Free radicals are detrimental to the human
organism. But the new-born baby 's first cry is activated by  the free
radicals generated by the clamping of the umbilical cord, thus enabling the
new arrival  to take the first breath of life-giving atmospheric Chi, Prana
or Vital Force.

With regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ode Coyote" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 7:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS>***Re: Infrared saunas

>   I would be cautious with ozone [O3]  It is highly corrosive, will eat
> tires right off your car, has high atmospheric level warnings in weather
> reports for people with respiratory problems and probably acts as a very
> potent free radical in the body...the sort of thing that people take
> antioxidents for.
> Ken
> At 01:22 PM 12/5/01 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >FHLew wrote:
> >
> >> < I also get conflicting reports on how much good ozone might do for
me. >
> >>
> >>              I would be much obliged if you would kindly
> >> enlighten me on the conflicting reports of ozonetherapy.
> >
> >I just meant that I get no reports of people that try it and cure
> >themselves of anything, the only good reports come second hand from
> >those that sell it so I was hesitant as money is tight:) I have spent
> >alot of money on things that did not work for me.
> >
> >
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