No, there is no instrument that measures PPM of "colloidal" silver that
you can afford [unless you happen to have a few grand just lying around].
 PPM meters only measure "Ionic" content.  This is not useless, but it's
not accurate either. It can be off by as much as 60%.
 Along with eyeballing the Tyndal Effect and using such a meter, the best
you can do is get a 'feel' for the potency...a good guess.
 But a 'feel' is good enough and better than nothing. It's not going to be
exact nor does it need to be.

At 10:32 PM 12/23/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Is there an instrument that measures the ppm? If so, who sells it, and how
>much is the cost?
>Reid Harvey wrote:
>> Hilary,
>> Sorry, but I've been out of the country the past week, so I'm not sure
>> how this question has been addressed.  But it seems to me that 20 to 30
>> ppm is awfully low, for the maker to see the necessity of adding silver
>> protein.  And I think the fact is that whomever makes the more
>> concentrated CS, which includes the protein, may see the need for this
>> additional material because it will help maintain stability of the CS
>> while in storage.  Otherwise it is possible to make much higher
>> concentrations, perhaps even 500 to 1000 ppm, without the protein
>> stabilizer. For example, if one can keep the concentrated CS away from
>> light and electromagnetic fields the stabilizer should not be needed.
>> Reid
>> Ole Bob said:
>> Hi Hilary,
>> Evidently you are new to the list as evidenced by the fact that you
>> missed the key
>> word used in the article
>> and that was "silver protein." Stay away from any CS labeled more that
>> 20 or 30 ppm
>> as they probably have a
>> silver compound in them, and that is where the problem lies.
>> Electro colloid as poeple on this list make will not cause argyria!! You
>> would drown
>> in it first.
>> "Ole Bob"
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