Hi Laura,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gotoh...@aol.com [mailto:gotoh...@aol.com]
> Sent: Saturday, 19 January 2002 3:54 p.m.
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Question about saline & other stuff
> Sorry to be so ignorant, I am definitely not good at
> chemistry, but my
> question re: saline and the concern about sodium chloride, it
> is only if used
> when making the cs, or does it also apply when mixing
> together such as in a
> nasal spray?

Some people put saline in their nasal spray, I don't myself.

Also, my first quart batch of cs I stored in
> amber bottles, the
> color was almost clear. The second batch I put in one of the
> distilled water
> bottles which was opaque, and the color was clearish until
> the next day when
> I had it in my truck for a couple of hours and it got kind of
> warm, but not
> hot. It changed to a grey color. Was that because of the
> container being too
> light, or the warmer temp. or a combination of both, and
> would it still be
> okay to use or should it be discarded?

Could be out gassing from the container affecting the stability of the
CS. There is no reason to expect clear CS with light TE to be affected
by light or heat. I would not use it myself.

Third batch, I put
> some in a clear
> glass, and added a little bit of salt for the chloride test,
> and the cs
> stayed almost the same, just a tiny bit cloudy. What does
> that indicate?

That you have a percentage of silver ions in your CS, it is behaving
as expected.

> question, I am planning to purchase a ppm tester, do the less
> expensive ones
> work okay? (the 25.00 price range). Please forgive my
> ignorance, I want to
> use cs for life, and want to do it right!

You need a conductivity meter which measures in the 00.0 - 99.9 uS
(microseimen) range. A Hanna PWT (pure water tester) or equivalent.

> Laura H.

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