
See below:

Subject: CS>TE & laser light pens - more questions!

> Hello again,
> thanks to those who responded to my previous questions.  Now I
> have more.....
> Several people/websites have mentioned using laser light pens to
> view the TE.  Is a laser light pen the same as a laser pointer ? I
> can only find laser pointers on a New Zealand electronics website
> (DSE for the kiwis)  I feel that they are but clarification of this would
> be great.

<ANSWER:  yes, they are the same - a laser pointer usually in the shape of a
pen.  No need for anything but the cheapest one you can find, or the one
that has the cheapest batteries to replace.
> Can someone please explain to me more clearly as to what I will
> be looking for with the laser?  I have looked at several websites,
> both with & without pictures and I am still unclear as to what I
> should see.  Any help would be much appreciated.

ANSWER:  In completely pure water, you will not be able to see the beam of
light in the water, even in a dark room.  In turbid water (e.g. water with
dust,lint or other particles in it) you will clearly see a bright beam of
light as it traverses through the water.  The light reflects off all the
myriad of particles.

In the case of colloidal silver generation, the ionic (dissolved) part of it
will not cause the beam to be visible.  But the very small silver particles
also produced (colloids) will indeed reflect the light and be visible.  Beam
brightness will depend on concentration of particles (parts per million or
PPM) but is more strongly dependant on the particle size.  Bigger particles
make brighter beams.  Really big particles cause a sparkly appearance -
pretty but not good.

The general concensus is that the smaller the particles, the more effective
the CS is in doing good stuff.  Thus your brew should show a very faint
light beam (i.e. only visible in a darkened room) if your brew is good.
Technically, this means brew times should be long and current density should
be low for low voltage DC generators that most people use.
> Alison
> in New Zealand

>  Your welcome,
__Steve in USA

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