Tracy wrote: "....I am not male so didn't explore
> that one, sorry........."

OK, but your e-mail header always appears as "Nick Grant". Might it not be
better to change something here?

Kevin Nolan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Grant" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>urinary track infection

> Hi Lee
> Having suffer with a bladder complaint for about 12 years, I have learnt
> that not all bladder infections happen because of the same cause.
> Cranberry is a good preventative for bladder infections.  CS seems to work
> well on them as well.  In females, it can be sexual relations that play a
> big part in some infections, so different things can help this from
> occurring.  In males, me there...I am not male so didn't
> that one, sorry.  But Cranberry could work well in both sexes.  Drinking
> loads of water helps, and keeping the urine alkaline as possible, as an
> environment helps the bacteria to adhere to the sides of the bladder and
> multiply.
> Tracy

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