This mirrors my experience. Apparently CC forms colloidal particles more readily and they grow large enough to fall out of suspension. After hours and hours, I got 3PPM, little if any TE and a bunch of stuff on the bottom of the container. The meters do not measure colloidal content in suspension...only ionic content in solution, so, apparently the saturation point of copper in water is somewhere around 3PPM and small particle colloids are not the norm.

At 11:07 AM 4/26/02 -0500, you wrote:

Hi, List

Another question about Colloidal Copper. Yesterday, I tried to make my firs batch, using the same equipment that I use to make CS ( one gallon crock pot that keeps the temperature about 140 degrees; AC-DC converter which delivers 24 volts, 525 mA). Of course, I used copper wire and copper bracelets (to increase the surface area of copper) in the distilled water (0.2 on the Hanna meter).

Now, when I use this apparatus to make CS, I can make a gallon of CS in about 3-4 hours, which agglomerates to about 10-15 ppm. I assumed that the CC would be similar.

But it wasn’t. I "cooked" the CC (colloidal copper) for 24 hours, after which it tested out at 3.6 ppm. And while it was not a dark black, it was not perfectly clear. The CS I have made is perfectly clear. This CC was not. It was darker. No taste to it. But it was darker than the CS.

Of course, my question is: Is this normal ? To take 24 hours to make 3.4 ppm? To have a dark opaqueness to it?

If not, any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? All suggestions would be appreciated. Again, thanking all responses in advance.

While I am on the net, I think someone had a question as to what colloidal copper was used for. Well, I haven’t used it yet, but in my readings it is used to clean the arteries and veins (good for arthritis, rheumatism, and vericose veins). That is why I am trying it. It is also said to be good for collagen production, protein metabolism, and as a brain/synapse stimulator. I got this information searching Google for colloidal copper.

Carl George


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