My take on stirring etc [no disagreement with Trems statements]
All silver comes off the electrodes as ions and go into solution in the water.
After the saturation point is reached they tend towards grouping together to form crystals which then drop out of solution and go into suspension as particles.
The saturation point can be altered a bit with stirring as mixing the ions well into the water orients them with the water [hydration] into small groups isolated from each other so when the higher saturation point is reached, smaller crystals form.
The ion production rate as relates to electrode area exposed to water determines the hydration rate and crystalization rate [also dependent on water temperature], so, a larger surface area will allow a faster ion production rate [more current] without affecting the crystal size.
Approximate limits before crystals start forming appear to be:
Unstirred saturation- 5 to 10 PPM ionic depending on current, water temp and electrode surface area.
Stirred saturation- 15 to 17 PPM ionic " "

At some point the crystals themselves seem to clump and form larger particles. The highest reasonably stable total silver concentration I've seen is around 30 PPM total silver content. [ 20PPM to 45PPM depending on the lab and/or method of measure.] If such a batch does agglomerate further [it 'usually' won't], the resulting color is a crap shoot. [probably determined by cooling rate] It can become pale to deep yellow, brownish like tea, murkey pink or reddish, or pale violet.
Wide and rapid storage temperature shifts are the main factor contributing to later color shifts. That is, rapid cooling increases the chance that large crystals will form in any given stored high PPM batch.

I recently made a half gallon batch [constant current/ stirred] at around 26PPM total silver content [Ole Bobs figures...around 45 PPM by the local state run lab] and split it between two identical bottles.
One was stored near an open window and the other deeper in the house where the temperature didn't drop as much over night. The bottle near the window went deep yellow by morning. The other is still crystal clear after a month. Both developed a very strong TE.

The "colorless" particles are apparently silver in 'color' as clear CS with a heavy TE will faithfully reflect any color around it. Place it near yellow and it looks yellow. Place it near green and it looks green. Full spectrum light reveals no color at all.

PS If I use Trems fudge factor to convert meter readings to total PPM, I get 30 to 37 PPM.

At 04:23 PM 6/17/02 -0700, you wrote:
Hi John,

The amount of particles increases as the PPM goes up....that is to a certain point and at that point particles begin to agglomerate. At the same time you can see the color change go from clear to golden or yellow and colors continue to change as the mix gets stronger. So for the best CS, with the most amount of particles in a given measure of water I would try to stay in the clear range and if someone felt they needed more particles then just take more of the water rather than trying to make it stronger.

Unless the particles are agglomerating, the ionic particles are the same size and only the clusters of atoms making colloidal particles are larger.

Stirring definitely helps keep particles from colliding and as a consequence agglomerating. Our CS is always crystal clear and I attributite to several things, Constant current control, larger surface area electrodes and stirring all contribute to good CS

Hope this helps.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>John Reeder
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:07 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Real CS Questions

Thanks Trem,

What physically happens as the cs is being made? I know that the ppm gets higher and higher as the water turns color.
My question is, I guess, does the number of particles increase as the ppm goes up or do the particles just get larger?
Seems like what we want is more of the small particles and not the larger ones. ??? Does the stirring keep the particles

-----Original Message-----
From: Trem []
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Real CS Questions

Hi John,

Neither. It's a measure of weight. 1 PPM = 1 mg. silver in 1 liter of water. Swallowing a 1 mg. chunk of silver isn't going to do much good. What really counts is how many particles can that chunk can be divided into. More particles equals more bang for the buck. Clear CS has the smallest particles.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>John Reeder
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:04 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Real CS Questions

Question: Does the acronym 'ppm' refer to particle size or number of particles in solution?

-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:07 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>Real CS Questions

Beth wrote:
I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I work at a health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5 ppm should be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that it shouldn't be taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds like many of you have been taking it for years and are taking over 5 ppm. Her husbands book is a medical book. She refused to buy our store products which range from 10 ppm to 45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when needed for sinus infections. My boyfriend however would like to take them regularly as he has asthma. What is safe to take and will it help his asthma?

Giving a limit on the ppm of cs without giving a limit on how much to take is nonsense. That is, if you have 10 ppm and dilute it with an equal amount of distilled water, they you will have 5 ppm. Now, when you get up above 20 ppm, I do tend to agree with that since the particles will start getting bigger, a simple dilution will not necessarily make it the same as CS produced at that ppm.

CS may help asthma. Killing any pathogens that are present, might help the body stabalize its immune system.

Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently had a fever over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS after 5 days of a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has come back slightly now and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could the CS make her thirsty? (I know she didn't drink much while she was sick so maybe she's making up for lost fluids.

I would not expect CS to may one thirsty. However any toxins in the body can certainly cause that. This can be anything from elevated sugar in the blood, to heavy metals released by eating garlic, or toxins released when pathogens die.



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