
I have been using CS for nearly 2 years.  I originally began using it to
treat candida, and it helped to alleviate recurrent secondary
respiratory infections due poor immune function.  It may also help with
the candida directly.  If you haven't found the candida forum try it out  Lots of people
participate and you can get some good info and help there.  The
consensus among most who have recovered form candida is that you must
follow the diet at least at first.  I was a bit more liberal with fruits
than most of the candida diets that I have seen.  If you can find a
doctor who treats candida it may save you some time.  There is a lot of
mis-information on the web and lot's of people willing to sell you
supplements that don't work.  The supplements that worked best for me
have been garlic, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, and oil
of oregano.  I'll be happy to help in any way I can.  Feel free to
contact me off list if you want to.

Chip Hoyle

Beth wrote:

> Thanks for all of the answers and info for my last questions. My
> boyfriend has decided to try the recipe from Marshalee (thanks for
> posting it), Where do you get the silver from? Also, I suspect I may
> have candida overgrowth. I know CS can kill Candida but does anyone
> have experience that it will work without going on the strict candida
> diet? If I start taking it regularly, while cutting my sugar intake
> down, etc... how will should this work? This also leads me to question
> the mother who lost weight from CS. There are conditions, I believe
> Candida for one, that may prevent weight loss. If the CS was killing
> off the candida and the body was getting back in balance, the weight
> might start coming off without the person knowing it was related to an
> underlying condition?!?!?!? What are your thoughts? Beth Brawn
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>      The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
>      colloidal silver.
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>      List maintainer: Mike Devour <>