
The idea that caffeine is in any way directly related to Argyria is patently 
false.  A predisposition to Argyria may be, in part, related to PH levels in 
the body, but this is only an interesting theory worthy of consideration and 
not something that has been studied nor demonstrated.  The fact that acids and 
light has something to do with Argyria is only considering its visual effect.  
Silver toxicity has nothing to do with any visual effect, it won't matter if 
the silver has undergone any chemical reaction, or what color it is if 
deposited in body tissues.  The single consideration is whether the silver 
builds up in the body to the point where it interferes with organ function 
and/or causes neurological damage.  In order for it to accumulate in the body, 
it must be deposited into organs and other tissues rather than be eliminated 
from the body.

If the silver is depositing in the fingernails, it is likely it has already 
started to accumulate internally, but this has not been conclusively 
demonstrated either.  The only way to tell would be via biopsy or autopsy.

If silver buildup reaches a toxic level interally it is lethal.  This, I 
believe, would be nearly ( if not ) impossible with the use of low PPM 
colloidal silver, even with extremely large amounts of colloidal silver 
consumed daily over a lifetime.  Such things were at one time documented with 
very high concentrations of silver compounds injected into the body.  Extreme 
silver toxicity has severe nuerological and respiratory consequences.

It is far more likely that silver buildup is related to dietary deficiencies, 
such as Selenium and Vitamin E depletion.

Anything in excess is toxic.  However, it is amazing that if one handles the 
basic needs of the body, how well the body handles any and all ingested 
substances.  The first logical starting place is the rehydration of the body, 
followed by a proper electrolyte balance.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:54 AM
  Subject: CS>Caffeine

  If one takes in no caffeine whatsoever, is it safe to assume they cannot 
develop agryria?   
  If the silver can deposit like this to be seen in fingernails and skin, then 
how do we know it doesn't t do the same thing internally where we can't see it? 
  And if it does, is it harmful in any way? 
