I see below that my email address as well as my penname and book title are being snipped off. O.K. I might agree with the title being left off now that I gain more info about ettiquete, BUT, my email address has no connection to any business-related name I use and thereby should not be snipped. ( I presently own the related URL, however do not now use it). TJ Wiggins- author of C/S title Ode Coyote writes:

 Could you tell us how you managed to do that [low PPM solution of large,
colloids] and how you could tell that you did?

Have you ever made a deep yellow CS, left it in a clear glass container for
several months and poured it out into another clear glass container, then
looked at the container and the poured out CS?
 The decanted CS will be colorless, still have a TE and register pretty
much the same as before storage on a conductivity meter.
 The old container will have a yellow coating that the addition of a few
drops of H2O2 will instantly dissolve with all color vanishing.
 Why did the yellow particulate stick to the glass, yet not settle out? [a
matter of mass and relative charge in a thermally energetic Brownian
environment, "methinks"...high mass/low relative charge = collision with
and adhesion to the glass]

[snip] I'm sceptical on clear silver if for no other reason than as a
novice I was making what I thought was clear sol;ution onlyu to become educated and find out I was making a low PPM solution of large, grey colloids...the cause of agryria. [snip]
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