Hi Rod;

To find more info on CS and healing try going to 


where you'll find a lot of peer reviewed studies - particularly (Oops!)
- on cell dedifferentiation and healing of deep wounds and third degree

Rod Stevenson wrote:
> Johnny Silverseed wrote
> (snip)
> >> Ionic is new on the silver scene, relatively speaking. For years those
> >> lettered researchers in the know touted only yellow to gold in coloration
> >> knowing that clear silver was molecular i.e...bad. So if smaller(ionic)
> is
> >> better- why have so many testimonials been given unto me after the
> ingestion
> >> of yellow c/s? It seems they both work to stop disease organisms from
> >> ravaging the body. BUT- does ionic (clear) silver have the same effects
> of
> >> cellular dedifferentiation? Does it stop cancers, scar tissue and God
> knows
> >> what else.
> I have a few questions about the above statements.
> How did these 'lettered researchers' know that ionic/molecular was bad, as
> you put it? Especially if, 'relatively speaking it's new on the scene'. How
> new?  I've only been reading around the subject for about a year or so-but I
> don't remember seeing anything about negative results on ionic silver
> tests/trials etc. Are there any?
> The only time I've seen anything about cell dediff' was in 'The Body
> Electric' Robert Becker. I think I'm right in saying that he used
> iontophoresis

No, Becker used micro - actually nano - currents. And in one case, a
silver electrode to drive silver ions into the area of a deep wound;
actually a broken bone which had refused to heal for two years due to
infection.  The electrode was placed into one of the holes left by the
unsuccessful attempt to stabilize the break with plate and screws.  The
electrode and current were applied just one time, for considerably less
than an hour I believe, and by the next week all signs of infection from
the four or five different bacteria which had resisted all antibiotics
for two years previous - were gone.  Bone infections are a real bear to
cure!  Subsequently, to Becker's surprise as much as anyone's, the bone
began to heal over the next couple of weeks, and the patient walked out
a little over a month later.

Becker's primary focus was on using (sometimes slowly varying) DC
micro-currents to effect regeneration of limbs, and possibly organs. 
This work sprang from his discovery that there was a consistent change
in potential (voltage) from the central nervous system outward toward
the extremities which was NOT associated with nerve 'firing' or
conduction as we think of the normal transmission of electrochemical
impulses through the fiber, but instead was an almost steady change in
DC potential along the outer sheath - the Schwann cells - which
'insulate' the nerve fiber.

 causing connective tissue cells to lose their usual spikey
> shape, invitro. If you know any more about CS and cell dediff' would you let
> me know?

I don't know about the "spikey", but the dedifferentiation has commonly
been observed in vivo both from CS and from microcurrents, and also from
the re-grafting of nerve stumps into epidermal tissue where they
stimulated not only dedifferentiation but limb regrowth in salamanders,
frogs, and mice.

. Ionic vs Colloidal, sometimes
> known as 'mine's better than yours'
 is vested interest. 
> my personal in-built BS filter is usually on full power.

Yeah!! It's really time to end this silliness.
IMNSHO, since it seems virtually impossible to make colloidal silver
without ionic contamination, and even more difficult to make ionic
silver without colloidal contamination, no one - and Certainly no
business making money off the stuff - is making CS without significant
amounts of both of 'em in it.
The difference between BS and CS is $$.

> Regards
> Rod

Take care, Malcolm
> --
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