---- Original Message -----
> There are things that worry me much more than smallpox and that would be
> chemical weapons.

Don't be deceived.  Don't miss the point.  It's not just about how sick you
get from smallpox, but from being shot or poisoned by the US military!  It's
about the govt's using smallpox--which they control--as a pretext for
coercively curtailing your most fundamental right of self-determination, by
deploying armed forces to inject your entire family
with mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum coumpounds, ethylene glycol, etc. and a
*live virus* grown on lung tissue from aborted fetuses!

AL Sen. Jeff Sessions just wrote me that he's aware of the cogent links
between common childhood vaccines and autism, ADD, and Sudden Infant
Death...but smallpox vaccines have proven the most virulent of all.  Many
doctors have abandoned it after witnessing its obvious lethality.  Yet even
as parents' and dr.'s anti-vaccination groups proliferate, the Bush admin.
is salivating over the prospect of coercively universalizing this genocidal
measure.  Whether you're aware of the
conspiracy or not--its ties with Hitler's poison suppliers, the UN contracts
our presidents have signed mandating 50-90% US population reduction, Bush's
Jan. deadline for FEMA to build "civilian internment camps" outside major
cities, or the real players and agenda behind the current "terrorism" --YOU
SHOULD AT LEAST WANT A CHOICE regarding your family's welfare!

What's a greater worry than smallpox?  How about armed troops confiscating
your personal weapons (upon the MSEHPA's passage in AK, the governor said
that would be immediately enforced when he declares a "health emergency")
and herding you into mandatory innoculation centers?  This is fact--read the
law!  And stop swallowing propaganda about Big
Brother's beneficent motive to make us safe & secure from the evil
towel-heads.  I'll send a free CD, including 2.5 hours mainstream news on
MP3 video, to anyone who can stomach the truth about the takeover of our
erstwhile Republic by G.H.W Bush's CIA on behalf of a filthy-rich cabal of
Satanist, currently unfolding...unless we urgently resist!


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