In a message dated 11/5/02 12:16:07 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Also want to read about CS and DMSO from the standpoint of theirs who have
>  used it.  I used DMSO with CS to get the CS where it need to go (my lower
>  leg and foot).

Can you explain how you did this?  Did you mix the CS and DMSO first and then 
rub it on the area?  I am fascinated by DMSO but nervous about using it 
incorrectly.  I worry that I will allow something not good to get into my 
system, like traces of soap left on my skin or something.

>  Haven't tried it orally, but imagine what it tastes like. Think I will 
>  with IV.

  People mention IV's quite often here, but can IV's ever self-administered?  
Or is this done only under a doctor's care?  Did you use the CS/DMSO in IV?

thanks in advance,

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