Re: CS>CS and refusal to use it.Trem,
  I could have, and may, down the road opt for orthotics, but the $$ is a big 
issue and I have about 6 friends and aquaintances who spent the hundreds on 
orthotics that didn't help at all but   the $45 birkenstock blue did. Not to 
say you are wrong, maybe we don't have access to properly made orthotics here, 
but I just couldn't afford to take the chance. I also don't have quite as good 
results as you :-( but good enough for now. I sympathize, I have also never 
been able to have comfortable shoes, so would go barefoot, or wear slide on 
slippers, flip flops, etc. My barefoot days are over, that's for sure.
  I've had the cortisone for other tendon problems in other joints, once with 
excellent results, once with poor very short term results to show for the pain 
of it. Can't face it again, and don't want the stuff in my body anyway, now 
that I know is amazing how much ones mental and emotional health 
improves when feet don't hurt!
  In my case, tendon problems have gone from one part of my body to the other 
for years. The feet are merely the latest outbreak that started early this 
year. I believe the tendon problems that have plagued me  for many years now 
and that have gone through one joint after the other are all related to my 
intestinal problems. Candida is a strong suspect and I'm hopeful the CS will 
help a lot.

I might add that even better arch supports are orthotics.   After finally 
getting the orthotics 10 or 12 years ago (maybe even longer) the pain went away 
almost instantly and I now go for 2 mile walks on logging roads a few times 
each week and can go "shopping" again with no discomfort.  

  It requires going to a podiatrist and paying for him to make a mold of your 
foot and then having a lab make the fiberglass shoe insert.  In my case it was 
a couple of hundred bucks and it has been the best investment in my health in 
all my life.  I have 2 pairs now and put them into every shoe, boot,and slipper 
I use.  I wouldn't put a shoe on without inserting them.  

  My pain was so bad that the doctor had to shoot me in the heel fascia with 
cortisone initially to relieve the pain before I could even get to wear them.  
Once I was able to get into them it was all downhill from there.  Bucks well 

  What a relief.  And to think I spent over 50 years with aching feet trying 
toil figure out what the problem was and how to solve it.

    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: sol 
    Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 7:39 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>CS and refusal to use it.

    Mary Lou,
      One of the reasons I am using CS is to try to get rid on intestinal 
candida. One of my current problems is plantar fasciitis.You are so right about 
arch supports.  I have gotten arch supports and wear them every minute I'm on 
my feet, even in the house in my slippers, bought specially so I could wear the 
supports in them. And of course good shoes also with extra arch supports. I'm 
not cured, but the difference is amazing. I can barely walk a step barefoot or 
without the supports. It did take me several months to get ones that worked, 
heel cups, gel insoles, other Dr. Scholl's type ones didn't work. The 
birkenstock blue ones have been lifesavers for me.
    Don't most people read about meds they are Rx'd in the PDR or similar? Now 
that is some scary, yet they are too scared of CS to try it? Perhaps you are 
right and some people choose to keep their illnesses and pain. 
    Dinsdale and Julius Groucho, Bailey and Thumper (bunnies); Spati and Ripi 
      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Mary Lou Borgert 
      It is incredible how absolutely ingrained drugs are in the mind of 
people.  I also work with people as a volunteer helping them with their sciatic 
problem. 99% of the time a bad back and the sciatic are the cause of the 
falling arches, I show them why by using acupressure on the feet and tell them 
that they must get arch supports but no they would rather have the pain and 
pain it is.