If she does respond please share anything that she will let you share with us...

still no response to the process...is there any heat extraction, crystallization or what ever involved...or is is simple chemical extraction...and is it anyone's best guess it is chloride? And is that all we have, best guesses???

I was told by an employee there that a doctor took the minerals to the same lab that does lab work for MD Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston, Texas. The lab supposedly verified that there were indeed minerals in the water by one test, and that indeed they were completely water soluble because even under the highest magnification the mineral particles could not be seen. Now, is this possible? I do not have the scientific background to know if this kind of statement is even a possible truth...or to the educated scientific mind this would immediately be seen as a hoax.

I do know that when it was brought up on the list that the ppm's on the silver had been reduced from 150 to 100 that I called and inquired as to why. The woman I always deal with whom I would call friend, said she was given no explanation. I said is that no odd, but she had not questioned it. Just like when I tried to get the list of the 70 or 80+ minerals in Water of Life...if they know that there are that many minerals in there then surely there must be a list somewhere of the minerals. Otherwise, how would you know.

I am perplexed at the lack of information I am able to get. I was told that they used to publish the names of the labs that tested their product but the labs requested they no longer be listed as they were getting too many inquiry calls from the general public.

At first I believed all of this...but now I have questions. There are so many things I cannot get answers to.

If they are using a chloride, is that safe with gold, copper, iron etc...again, do not have the background to know.

If anyone can shed any light on this, even in a pm if this is getting off topic (is it?) I would most appreciate any information.

thanks so much...

a rose

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