Hope, thank you so much for the honest reply. I never really thought CS
alone would cure me. I am beyond the pill, or single anything mentality. I
am trying my best to live a well and normal life and help my children to
grow and prosper. I am growing and juicing Wheatgrass, and pulling a fast
one on the children with my water. I am buying water in five gallon jugs
with a cooler. I am putting in Hydrogen Peroxide and Willards Water, I am
considering adding silver. Then I just need to monitor the water intake. I
also use a Rife machine, though not like I should. My goal is to stay off
anti-biotics. I just ended a 14 week IV session which I desperately needed.
The awful thing about being sick is you spend all your time searching how to
get well. I am about to quit being sick and caring so much about it. I am
going to be well.

Thanks again.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Hope" <hope0...@yahoo.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: CS>New to list> Lyme Disease

> Hi Bernadette--I have Lyme, CFIDS, and FM. I tried
> both store bought silver, 40 ppm from Allergy Research
> Group, and 400 ppm by the same manufacturer who sells
> it himself--a naturopathic doctor in TX. Then I bought
> my own CSPro system that made about 18 ppm and drank
> several cups daily of it for 3 or 4 months. The only
> time I had what I considered a "herx" was on the 400
> ppm stuff. I know that several people claim to have
> cured their Lyme with CS but I have heard many more
> stories of those who haven't. It didn't help me and I
> was worrying about the silver build up in my system
> and it was staining my teeth brown. I am only back on
> this list at present because I want to sell my CSPro
> cs. machine. I happened to see your post. Not to
> discourage you but frankly I don't feel that cs is the
> "cure", not there is one for Lyme. Basically I think
> it can only be managed. Success with cs may depend on
> how long you have had Lyme and what other things you
> are doing. (I searched both the archives of this
> silver list as well as several Lyme lists to look for
> positives on cs--there were maybe only 4 or 5 who said
> they thought it helped out of the dozens of people who
> had tried it.)Hope (Lyme since childhood--diagnosed
> several years ago)
> --- mamapug <mama...@netzero.net> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > Hello, I am new to the list and I have been told
> > that many have been cured
> > > of Lyme Disease. Has anyone had Lyme in the Brain
> > and been cured? I am
> > > interested in long standing, chronic Lyme cases,
> > cures, and how your
> > testing
> > > was prior to the cure.
> > >
> > > Thank you in advance for your help.
> > >
> > > Bernadette
> >
> > Dear Bernadette,
> > I`m one!
> > I had Lyme for almost 6 years. I lost my
> > gallbladder, and still have some
> > permanent brain damage, which makes me feel like my
> > feet are mostly numb.
> > That I can live with. The CS cured me when doxy
> > couldn`t.
> > If you`d like to hear my complete story, send me a
> > private email.
> > Marshalee, in Provo, Utah
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion
> > of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> > http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> > http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
> >
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