Dear Paula,

   You said:

<<Well, but I don't get that, why it would? I mean, the nebulizer I have is
designed to be held with the lips around it just like an inhaler, one holds
it there and breathes in through the mouth (closed around nebulizer tube)
and out through the nose. Presumably the people getting meds via inhaler
still breath out, etc, etc. I must be missing something about the particular
type of nebulizing they are concerned about? In observing my mother use her
inhaler meds, she, in fact, used to do a pretty good out breath after the
large inhale required, so she would have been huffing those SARS germs out
really well.>>

  SARS can be carried in droplets.  One would expel these when exhaling.
Until we know that CS can kill SARS on contact it is unsafe to nebulize it.


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