Dear David,

  You said:

<<I'm not sure how to address your main concern which is to get the
to consider using CS to treat SARS. There are many delivery methods you
could use once you have the physician convinced to give it a trial, chief
among them would be nebulizing and IV. But the trick is to convince him.
Perhaps showing him the BYU study results might help.>>

  **    Yes, I will be presenting the work from BYU.  Thank you for
mentioning the IV protocol. I'm so microfocused on the lungs at this point
(and exhausted) that I was only thinking about a direct delivery method to
the lungs.  Geeez...I think I need to take a breather and get my head back
on straight.

   IV protocol, anyone?  Amount, frequency?  I should probably recommend the
CS one can get by Rx only.  That would make the mainstream docs feel good
and safe I think.

  Thanks :-)


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