This is a sensible comment.  There must be some way to rig up a device
to filter the exhalation, sort a reverse gas-mask device to filter the
exhalations rather than the inhalations.  Should be big bucks, too, for
anyone supplying such a device, which would be much cheaper than those
negative-pressure chambers they have in some hospitals.   Big bucks for
some first-rate medical vendors here if CS is shown to have an effect.  

David Bearrow wrote:
> I wouldn't think it to be unsafe to nebulize. Armed with this information
> we now know that one should nebulize alone so as to not increase the risk
> of infecting someone else. Or one could rig up a filter such as a tube with
> a CS soaked handkerchief rubber banded to the end to exhale through. Or a
> tube snaked out through the window to exhale through. There must be a way
> to reduce the risk of exhaling. But this fact that one exhales the virus
> shouldn't stop you from nebulizing.
> At 10:35 AM 4/25/03, you wrote:
> >   SARS can be carried in droplets.  One would expel these when exhaling.
> >Until we know that CS can kill SARS on contact it is unsafe to nebulize it.
> +-----   Bentonite Clay for sale    -----+
> |              David Bearrow             |
> |          |
> +----      Phone: (972)722-8319      ----+
> --
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