Dear David,

  You said:

<<I wouldn't think it to be unsafe to nebulize. Armed with this information
we now know that one should nebulize alone so as to not increase the risk
of infecting someone else. Or one could rig up a filter such as a tube with
a CS soaked handkerchief rubber banded to the end to exhale through. Or a
tube snaked out through the window to exhale through. There must be a way
to reduce the risk of exhaling. But this fact that one exhales the virus
shouldn't stop you from nebulizing.>>

  I'm talking about this for a very specific reason.  I have the opportunity
introduce CS to physicians working directly with SARS cases.  They are not
nebulizing anything due to fears of spreading SARS more.  I cannot appproach
them with an unfamiliar treatment (CS) and then expect them to take this
unfamiliar treatment and administer it in a way they have decided is to
dangerous.  The whole idea will be shot down and the opportunity to intoduce
CS will be lost (this time).  I don't want that to happen.

  A filter is an interesting idea but my concern is that each thing
introduced to them that is unfamiliar will make them more unable to see the

   I appreciate everyone's thoughts on this but please understand that I
have to operate within some established parameters.


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