Silver Generation with ULVDC

  As you  may know, I have been working on high-voltage  cs generators
  using series resistors to stabilize the current:

  However, all my efforts still result in the colloidal silver turning
  gold and plating out on the sides of the glass. Here is a new method
  that might be called Ultra Low Voltage DC, or ULVDC.

  Two recent posts by "Ole Bob" and Jim inspired me to try a different
  approach. They both run at very low current density, and both report
  good results:

  0.315 mA/

  0.141 mA/

  I normally  run  at  1.4mA for 1 hr or so. A  simple  change  to the
  series resistor value reduced the current to 155uA.

  The anode  is two 12 ga rods with 3.85" wetted  length.  The current
  density at 155uA is

  D = I / A
    = 155e-6 / (0.25 * 3.85 * 2)
    = 8.0519481E-5
    = 80 uA/sq. in.

  I then let it run for ten hours, using a 2 1/2 watt  thermal stirrer
  for the first run.

  Theoretically, running  ten hours should release the same  number of
  silver ions as before, but I was amazed at the result.

  At the normal 1.4mA level, both rods are coated with a film of black
  silver oxide.  I try to wipe it off with a tissue,  but  some always
  remains. Without  stirring, there is also a black  smudge  under the
  anode rods,  and a small amount of black whisker at the ends  of the
  rods where the cut makes a sharp edge.

  However, after running ten hours at low current, I was  surprised to
  find the anode coated with black material like before, but  this was
  more like  a hard coating instead of a liquid film. It broke  off in
  chunks. There was no smudge under the rods and no black whiskers.

  Even more surprising, the cathode was completely clean.

  Not only  was  there  no black film, but  the  previous  coating was
  removed down to the bare silver.

  As far  as  I can determine, the current  theory  suggests  there is
  little or  no action involving silver ions at the  cathode,  so this
  came as a complete surprise.

  For the  next run, I reversed the anode and  cathode  and eliminated
  the thermal stirring.

  Using a  Hewlett-Packard 3456A 6 1/2 digit dvm, the  initial voltage
  across the  electrodes   measured   2.01V.  (This   instrument  is a
  lab-quality reference, so the voltage readings can be trusted.)

  The initial resistance is

  R = E / I
    = 2.01 / 155e-6
    = 12967.742 ohms

  However, the  previous 1.4 mA current had an  initial  resistance of
  23k. This  shows the initial resistance is not linear  with current,
  but this is not too surprising.

  Observing the  process,  after  75 minutes  the  voltage  across the
  electrodes is  1.239V. This is a substantial drop  and  shows silver
  ions are  entering  the solution. The anode is  completely  clean at
  this point.

  More surprising,  the  previous   black   film   on  the  cathode is
  disappearing. The rods are now completely clean from midway  down to
  the bottom.  I  will let the run continue,  and  report  the results

  This new  process  may lead to interesting results.  It  may  not be
  necessary to  run  at  high   current,   with  all  the  problems of
  regulators such  as 7805, LM117/LM317, LM334, or CLD's. A  simple 9v
  battery may be all that is needed.

  It would take too long to make 5 litre batches, but you could easily
  make 8 oz overnight, and it would be ready to drink in the morning.

  This would  help  on long trips where you may not  be  able  to make
  large amounts or carry it easily.

  If you would like to try this method, here are some suggestions:

  1. Calculate the area of your rods. For help, see

  2. Calculate the current needed for a current density of  100uA. The
  following is a calculation for 1.5 sq. in. rods:

    D = I / A

    I = D * A
      = 1e-4 * 1.5
      = 1.5e-4 Amp
      = 0.15 mA

  3. Measure the voltage of your generator. For 3 nines, use 27V.

  4. Calculate the series resistor needed, allowing 1V for the voltage
  drop across the solution. Here is a calculation for a 9V battery:

   R = E / I
     = (9 - 1) / 1.5e-4
     = 53333.333 ohms

  A 51k or 47k resistor would work fine.

  Place the  resistor in series with one of the rods,  fill  the glass
  with dw,  and record the start time. Wait ten or  twelve  hours, and
  test the result.

  This method is obviously unsuited for high volume production, but it
  may be of interest to those who travel, or who use small  amounts of
  silver each  day.  I  will   test   the  results  using  my standard
  bioactivity observations, and report the results as they appear.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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