On Sat, 21 Jun 2003 22:53:27 -0400, C Creel <ccr...@adelphia.net> wrote:

><<Or how about a list solely for the More Power Boys??
>I hate sending CS newbies to this list anymore, as it has become just too
>  Marshalee has a point that newbies would definitely be oberwhelmed here. I
>also think some good things are happening here.  The dedication to full
>understanding of CS is admirable and most appreciated.

Newbies need a FAQ.
I thought we went over this before.
This argument is similar to the dumbing down of schools to the least common
denominator until nobody gets an education.

Read a FAQ to get up to speed, then ask (presumably intelligent) questions.
Dump the stuff that's over your head, or muddle through and absorb by osmosis.
You'll be surprised what sticks after awhile.

Now shush, I'm 150 pages into my Harry Potter vol 5, thanks to Amazon.com.

Favorite motto of old tool and die makers and machinists: 

Illegitimi non tatum carborundum!* 

*Don't let the bastards grind you down.


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