Sorry, I read your post after I replied to an earlier one.   The target
price sounds like a better deal - your math is fine :-).  Just out of
curiosity, is this the tablet or the gel, as the gel is much more
bioavailable than the tablet.  It usually costs more also, as some
manufacturers claim that 50mg of gel gives as much bioavailability as 100mg
of powder (tablet).  I don't know if pricing has changed dramatically, but
when I started to buy from Our Health Coop (2001), the gel was MUCH more
expensive than tablets anywhere else; such as $45.00 for 60 30mg gelcaps,
and the Coop was selling it for much less than the tablets at all my
sources!  Since then, their gel formulation has been improved and the dosage
increased, so I prefer to get my supply from them.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mamapug" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: CS> congestive heart failure questions

> Well, Jeanette, at Target, they wanted 12 bucks for 30 100 mg capsules. If
> my rotten math is correct, isn`t that is an equal amount of Co Q 10, for 3
> bucks less? What do you think?
> Marshalee

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