Marv Hacker   7/18/03   2:42 PM

> Better yet, is there a way to eliminate the fear
>of clotting at the artificial valve, yet not
> artificially regulate blood viscosity?
I would guess that you are asking too
much there, but a Protime test will
help to know what changes need
to be made to  adjust viscosity.
But that wouldn't be practical.
My wife had her aortic valve
replaced about 6 years ago and
at the time of the operation she
wasn't given a 50 / 50 chance.
She also takes rat poison (Warfarin
 / Coumadin ) daily and relies solely
on the Protime results every 2 months.
When I suggest that she probably could
cut down on on her intake of warfarin,
4mg daily,  by adding either Garlic or
asprin, I might as well save my breath.

If you are still on Coumadin, you should tell
your doctor to write a prescription for warfarin
it is a lot less expensive - check out
/ pharmacy --  you don't have to belong to buy
from the pharmacy.

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