> Anyone on this group tried eating meat and cheese only for a period of time
> like a month or two?

Hi Orpha,

As I said before, he needs enough water, he needs his vegatables.  He
needs not to use artificially sweetened "gallons" of koolaid rather than
water.  He's not doing Atkins.  Atkins also allows a maximum of 4 ounces
of cheese a day, and for many of us, none - those of us who are
intolerant of it.  It "stalls" my weight loss inevtably, even if I was
doing everything else "right" and not eating more than the 4 ounces a
day allowed.  Articial sweeteners also stall many people - though stevia
is less of a problem than any of the others.  Anyways, its too bad he
doesn't care.  Not much you can do about that...   sadly.  Joy

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