I've repeatedly used Food Lion water at 4.5 uS and gotten clear CS with
the silverpuppy gen, so, it's not necessarily the higher initial
conductivity that kicks a batch into going yellow but what the higher
conductivity is caused by. [ie, not so much the contamination itself, but
what the contaminant is]

 Of course, water without any contaminants won't contain one that will kick
the batch.


At 08:45 PM 9/26/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I use a SilverPuppy and make a gallon at a time in a glass jar.  Use
>nite-lite heater, and it works good on the gallon size.  I normally make
>perfectly clear CS with no detectable tyndall. PWT 9-12.  I made two
>identical batches. One with Crystal Springs Distilled water PWT .05 ,and the
>other with Winn-Dixie brand dw PWT 1.5.  The .05 was clear and the dw with
>the PWT 1.5 turned out "straw" color (light yellow)   That was the only
>difference. Now I know why mine is yellow anyway.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Douglas Haack" <gvagraph...@adelphia.net>
>To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
>Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 3:36 PM
>Subject: CS>Yellow tinted CS!!
>> Silver Listers,
>> We have discussed the yellow tint many times on the list. I now believe
>> after some amateur research into Silver Colloid texts the yellowing is due
>> to
>> silver lumps, anions, ions whatever the preferred term/s is -- is due to
>> sliver
>> sintered off during the brewing electrolosis -- being larger or above 30
>> Angstroms
>> and this gives the yellow tint.
>> Forgive me if I'm off the mark and do correct me!
>> In my own brewing I'm always pleased when my CS remains clear. Although
>> along the way I've made my share of the 'yellow stuff" and consumed it
>> anyway!
>> Haven't game been enough to use H2O2 in my CS. Something to try sometime.
>> Am familiar with H2O2's other great Oxygen therapy uses.
>> I remain yours in SILvation, Douglas Haack
>> Mike Monett wrote:
>> > url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m62773.html
>> > CS>Half gallon brew
>> > From: Dan Nave
>> > Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 13:02:15
>> >
>> >   Hi Dan,
>> >
>> >   I guess  you  are using fairly low  current  density,  otherwise you
>> >   wouldn't see  the  gray sludge. You would  be  getting  black silver
>> >   oxide instead.
>> >
>> >   The gray  sludge  is formed at the cathode  where  silver  ions have
>> >   picked up  an  electron  to become  atoms.  These  tend  to surround
>> >   hydrogen bubbles  that  also form at the cathode.  It  makes  a gray
>> >   sludge that can hang down from the cathode in small whiskers.
>> >
>> >   I use  the formation of these whiskers as an indication the  brew is
>> >   finished. If you let it go much longer, the voltage across  the cell
>> >   starts to flatten, which indicates the silver ions are  forming gray
>> >   sludge, and also forming silver oxide in the Nernst  diffusion layer
>> >   at both electrodes.
>> >
>> >   The silver  oxide, Ag2O, will combine to form larger  particles that
>> >   give the cs a yellow tint.
>> >
>> >   If you get a yellow tint to the solution, you can add a bit  of H2O2
>> >   to the  cs  and see an interesting  reaction.  Whack  the electrodes
>> >   first to  break the gray whiskers so they fall to the bottom  of the
>> >   jar.
>> >
>> >   Soon after you add the H2O2, the yellow tint disappears.  This shows
>> >   the H2O2 acts as a catalyst to convert the silver oxide to ions:
>> >
>> >     2Ag2O + H2O2 --> 4Ag(+) + O2(g) + H2O2
>> >
>> >   You may  start to notice bits of gray sludge rising to  the surface,
>> >   then falling  back  down to the bottom. This is caused  by  the H2O2
>> >   reacting with  the pure silver to form ions and  oxygen.  The oxygen
>> >   bubbles make  the  gray bits rise to the surface,  where  the bubble
>> >   breaks and the bit falls back down.
>> >
>> >   This reaction is quite different from the prevous one:
>> >
>> >     2Ag + 2H2O2 --> 2Ag(+) + O2(g) + 2H2O
>> >
>> >   The H2O2  is  consumed to form oxygen and water,  plus  silver ions.
>> >   This reaction  is very slow, and it takes a lot of  H2O2  to convert
>> >   even a tiny amount of pure silver to ions.
>> >
>> >   I don't  worry about the gray sludge. I just give  the  electrodes a
>> >   good whack  before removing them from the solution so  they  fall to
>> >   the bottom  of the jar. I leave them in the  jar  while transferring
>> >   the cs to another container, then dump them in the sink.
>> >
>> >   The gray  sludge is harmless if you happen to drink it.  It  is pure
>> >   silver and will simply pass through the body without interacting.
>> >
>> > Best Regards,
>> >
>> > Mike Monett
>> >
>> > --
>> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> >
>> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
>> >
>> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> >
>> > Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>> >
>> > List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>