Heck. I've heard that even the moon phase can affect outcome.

How about it Larry T. in Florida... Are you still having a similar problem?
[He's the only other person I know of. He actually made a batch of yellow at MY house with his water a while back. Unfortunately we didn't try one with my water and his generator...time constraints or something.]

A number of volitile chemicals will make it through a distiller. Have you tried discarding the first cup or so?
Ode [Ken]

At 09:41 AM 9/28/2003 -0600, you wrote:
I'm still getting CS that is either clear or very slight straw color at shut off, but gains color steadily after that, no matter if left if the brew jar or decanted into a clean storage bottle. I'm finding that if there is any color to it at all it continues to get more and more color in storage, while if it is perfectly clear at about 72 hours it will stay clear in storage.........
My DW measures .3 to .8 uS with my PWT (and I have checked the calibration of the meter--it appears to be spot on), I have cleaned my brew jar(s) by every method I've ever read on this list, rinsed them umpteen times iwth distilled water, replaced brew jars, and on and on. Kept detailed records till I'm sick of it, and I still get yellow CS..........Every once in a while I get a clear batch--maybe one batch in 12 or even 20.........I'm beginning to think I should turn this upside down and try to find out why it ever comes out clear......stopping the process earlier does not seem to make much if any difference, I've got CS of quite low ppm that is yellow, and one batch of 16.9 uS that stayed clear.....
This has been driving me nuts since I started making CS. I have 3 different generators now, and get yellow CS with all of them, with the very, very rare clear batch......
If there is contaminant in my DW that doesn't show in uS on the PWT, I don't know what it is or what it could be.....I am thinking its environmental maybe even unique to my house....but I can't figure out what, I'm now noting the time of day when I start a batch and charting that to see if that is a factor.....and I'm checking out my cleaning products (I use vinegar and peroxide to clean kitchen counters etc---) and will now use only CS spray to see if that might be the cause.....
Should say, I am now home-distilling my own DW, as I thought that ozone in commercial DW might be the problem.....it wasn't.....
southwest wyoming
----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:coyote...@earthlink.net>Ode Coyote

I've repeatedly used Food Lion water at 4.5 uS and gotten clear CS with
the silverpuppy gen, so, it's not necessarily the higher initial
conductivity that kicks a batch into going yellow but what the higher
conductivity is caused by. [ie, not so much the contamination itself, but
what the contaminant is]

Of course, water without any contaminants won't contain one that will kick
the batch.


At 08:45 PM 9/26/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I use a SilverPuppy and make a gallon at a time in a glass jar. Use
>nite-lite heater, and it works good on the gallon size. I normally make
>perfectly clear CS with no detectable tyndall. PWT 9-12. I made two
>identical batches. One with Crystal Springs Distilled water PWT .05 ,and the
>other with Winn-Dixie brand dw PWT 1.5. The .05 was clear and the dw with
>the PWT 1.5 turned out "straw" color (light yellow) That was the only
>difference. Now I know why mine is yellow anyway.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Douglas Haack" <<mailto:gvagraph...@adelphia.net>gvagraph...@adelphia.net>
>To: <<mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>silver-list@eskimo.com>
>Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 3:36 PM
>Subject: CS>Yellow tinted CS!!
>> Silver Listers,
>> We have discussed the yellow tint many times on the list. I now believe
>> after some amateur research into Silver Colloid texts the yellowing is due
>> to
>> silver lumps, anions, ions whatever the preferred term/s is -- is due to
>> sliver
>> sintered off during the brewing electrolosis -- being larger or above 30
>> Angstroms
>> and this gives the yellow tint.
>> Forgive me if I'm off the mark and do correct me!
>> In my own brewing I'm always pleased when my CS remains clear. Although
>> along the way I've made my share of the 'yellow stuff" and consumed it
>> anyway!
>> Haven't game been enough to use H2O2 in my CS. Something to try sometime.
>> Am familiar with H2O2's other great Oxygen therapy uses.
>> I remain yours in SILvation, Douglas Haack
>> Mike Monett wrote:
>> > url: <http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m62773.html>http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m62773.html
>> > CS>Half gallon brew
>> > From: Dan Nave
>> > Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 13:02:15
>> >
>> > Hi Dan,
>> >
>> > I guess you are using fairly low current density, otherwise you
>> > wouldn't see the gray sludge. You would be getting black silver
>> > oxide instead.
>> >
>> > The gray sludge is formed at the cathode where silver ions have
>> > picked up an electron to become atoms. These tend to surround
>> > hydrogen bubbles that also form at the cathode. It makes a gray
>> > sludge that can hang down from the cathode in small whiskers.
>> >
>> > I use the formation of these whiskers as an indication the brew is
>> > finished. If you let it go much longer, the voltage across the cell
>> > starts to flatten, which indicates the silver ions are forming gray
>> > sludge, and also forming silver oxide in the Nernst diffusion layer
>> > at both electrodes.
>> >
>> > The silver oxide, Ag2O, will combine to form larger particles that
>> > give the cs a yellow tint.
>> >
>> > If you get a yellow tint to the solution, you can add a bit of H2O2
>> > to the cs and see an interesting reaction. Whack the electrodes
>> > first to break the gray whiskers so they fall to the bottom of the
>> > jar.
>> >
>> > Soon after you add the H2O2, the yellow tint disappears. This shows
>> > the H2O2 acts as a catalyst to convert the silver oxide to ions:
>> >
>> > 2Ag2O + H2O2 --> 4Ag(+) + O2(g) + H2O2
>> >
>> > You may start to notice bits of gray sludge rising to the surface,
>> > then falling back down to the bottom. This is caused by the H2O2
>> > reacting with the pure silver to form ions and oxygen. The oxygen
>> > bubbles make the gray bits rise to the surface, where the bubble
>> > breaks and the bit falls back down.
>> >
>> > This reaction is quite different from the prevous one:
>> >
>> > 2Ag + 2H2O2 --> 2Ag(+) + O2(g) + 2H2O
>> >
>> > The H2O2 is consumed to form oxygen and water, plus silver ions.
>> > This reaction is very slow, and it takes a lot of H2O2 to convert
>> > even a tiny amount of pure silver to ions.
>> >
>> > I don't worry about the gray sludge. I just give the electrodes a
>> > good whack before removing them from the solution so they fall to
>> > the bottom of the jar. I leave them in the jar while transferring
>> > the cs to another container, then dump them in the sink.
>> >
>> > The gray sludge is harmless if you happen to drink it. It is pure
>> > silver and will simply pass through the body without interacting.
>> >
>> > Best Regards,
>> >
>> > Mike Monett
>> >
>> > --
>> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> >
>> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: <http://silverlist.org>http://silverlist.org
>> >
>> > To post, address your message to: <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>silver-list@eskimo.com
>> >
>> > Silver-list archive: <http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html>http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
>> >
>> > List maintainer: Mike Devour <<mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>mdev...@eskimo.com>
