url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m62818.html
Re: CS> Trem, Question about uS/PPM conversion
From: Robert Berger
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2003 13:54:59

  > Hi Mike,

  > You are chasing a wil-o- the- wisp if you think that you  can ever
  > tie ppm to uS !!

  > The whole  process  is  plagued with CO2  and  NO3  from dissolved
  > gases.

  > Just check the pH of various runs. Not often does one get a  pH of
  > 6+ . I have pH's in the 8 range as well as the 3 to 4 range.


  > "Ole Bob"

  Hi Robert,

  Frank Key  measured the uS and ppm on some  commercial  products and
  posted the results at


  I selected five that seem to correlate well. Here is the list:

  Product Name      Conductivity  Ionic PPM  Ratio
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~
  Silver Lightning    3.3 uS/cm    3.71 ppm  0.889
  Mesosilver          3.9 uS/cm    3.9  ppm  1.0
  Sovereign Silver    9.7 uS/cm    9.22 ppm  1.052
  ASAP Solution      11.4 uS/cm   10.65 ppm  1.070
  ASAP Solution      20.1 uS/cm   19.59 ppm  1.026

  The average is

    0.889 + 1.0 + 1.052 + 1.070 + 1.026 = 5.037 / 5 = 1.0074

  It looks like the unity conversion factor is valid over quite a wide
  range of  ppm, if you believe Frank's measurements. Many  people do,
  and I have no reason to believe otherwise.

  These products  are made with different processes, so it  looks like
  the conversion  factor  is not affected by absorbed  gas  or  the cs

  I discarded one or two products that were clearly far off the curve.

  I don't  know what they did to the cs, but I now consider if  the uS
  and ppm  do  not correlate well, there is something  wrong  with the
  process, or  they  added  something to it,  or  perhaps  dw  is poor

  Note I count only the ionic portion. My experience says the particles
  have little effect.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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