> > From JAMES:
> > > Hello Nena,
> > >
> > > Will adding enough Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate to distilled water to get the
> > > PPM to about 4.5 offset the acidity?
> > >
> > > Very briefly, what harm does the acidic water do?
> > >
> > > Thank you in advance,
> > >
> > > JOH

>From NENAH:
> > Hi James.
> > I am not familiar with Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate and its effect on pH.

> You may know it by an alternative name of Bicarbonate of Soda, or baking soda.
> Marshall

Ah yes! Thank you Marshall. I'm glad you two posted this, because recently
someone kindly wrote to me off-list suggesting that I add baking soda to the DW
before making the Colloidal Silver -- which I did last night, and was going to

The DW initially had a pH of 5.0 . After I added 1/2 heaping teaspoon to just
under one gallon, the pH rose to a little over 8.0 .

After I made the CS (for only about 30 minutes, less time than usual), I tasted
the batch. It didn't seem "metallic" enough for me, so after a few hours I made
it stronger. The batch now tastes both "metallic" AND as though there's baking
soda in it. This ordinarily would not concern me, but when I put the silver
wires into the fluid for the second time, after a short while I saw a "smoky"
haze coming off the wires. I figured there was too much conductivity in the
water on account of the baking soda, so turned off the unit.

The possibility of larger-than-ionic particles, and a corresponding graying of
skin, is what I wanted to avoid, which was why I waited nearly three weeks to do
this experiment. I feel secure in my ability as a cook; I'm less confident when
it comes to making CS! Next time I'll use less baking soda. In the
meantime...how do I know that this current CS batch is good (meaning safe),
without buying all sorts of meters etc.?

Thanks much.

Always learning,

Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.
Products, services, and information about health
Author (under the name "Nina Silver") of
*The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*
Order the book and read excerpts at

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